Lipolysis Lipodissolve

Lipolysis Lipodissolve
Tarih : 2021-10-23 17:58:32
Viewing : 25049

The latest innovation in regional thinning, deformities that occur in the waist, hip, belly, back, under the chin and knee due to lubrication with lipotherapy are removed quickly and without surgery. Thanks to scientific and technological developments, we not only provide regional thinning with painless, combined applications, but also tighten and tighten the sagging and loosening that may occur as a result of thinning...

What is Lipolysis (Lipodissolve)?

Lipolysis (Lipodissolve) was developed in 1995 by Brazilian Dr. It is a medical treatment method developed by Patricia Rittes. Lipolysis (lipotherapy, lipodissolve) is widely used in countries in Europe, North and South America. It is an effective local thinning (regional fat melting) method that destroys fat deposits in the body and face area.

The most important feature of lipolysis is that it gives the opportunity to get rid of fat without the need for surgery. In the treatment of lipolysis, phosphatildycholine (phosphatidylcholine) substance obtained from soy lecithin is used. In fact, phosphatidylcholine is also synthesized in the human body and participates in fat metabolism. It is also used in other fields of medicine (embolic conditions, fatty liver, etc.).

For what purpose is lipolysis used?

Lipolysis is not a weight loss method. It is a method to eliminate regional excess fat that is resistant to the regime or even to sports. Therefore, someone with general obesity is not a good candidate for lipolysis. It can also be called an equivalent method of liposuction. It is a non-surgical method that we use as an alternative in patients who are not suitable or do not want surgery. Those with localized fat accumulation in the arms, legs, neck, abdomen and hips have a high success rate.

Lipolysis application is used in deformities due to lubrication, cellulite treatment, gynecomastia, lipoma and removal of fat around the eyes, under-eye bags. In addition, lipolysis can be applied in the treatment of deformities that may occur after surgical removal of fat. Lipolysis can be used as an adjunct to cellulite treatment.

How does lipolysis work?

In lipolysis treatment, it can destroy regional fat deposits in the body without causing relaxation in the skin. Because lipolysis naturally increases fat breakdown. Expected cosmetic results in lipolysis occur between 1-3 sessions on average.

At what intervals and how many sessions is lipolysis applied?

Undesirable total fat loss may occur as a result of very frequent applications. Lipolysis is performed at intervals of 4 - 6 weeks. Because the effect begins to be seen after the 2nd week and peaks in the 4th week and continues until the 6th week. However, it is possible to see the real effect after the second session.

However, if regional lubrication is high, 2 sessions will not be enough for a significant effect to be observed. Although the total number of sessions is planned as 4-8, it is the amount of drug used and the volume of the target fat mass that determine the number of sessions.

What should be considered during lipolysis?

Alcohol should not be consumed during lipolysis, and aspirin and aspirin-style (NSAI) pain relievers should not be used as they suppress the lipolysis process.

How is lipolysis applied and what is seen after the application?

The total dose to be applied to each area in one session is determined. The use of a local anesthetic agent before the application reduces the pain considerably. The application is made into the adipose tissue by using very thin 30 Gauge needles, by hand or by injection with a mesotherapy gun. Immediately after the application, local erythema (redness), an infiltrative edema with a slight burning sensation occurs and continues for about 15 minutes. It is normal to see swelling and redness in the application area at the 6th hour. Afterwards, a hardening called nodule formation appears in the application area until the 3rd day and continues to decrease between 15 and 30 days. Itching, some burning, redness, bruising, swelling and temperature increase may occur at the

injection site after application. However, you can continue your business and social life without any interruptions.

In which areas is lipolysis used?

Lipolysis can be applied in the removal of regional fat in the area of detention, under the chin (jowl), arms, abdomen, waist, hips, hips and legs. As long as a balanced diet is applied and supported with exercise, the results of lipolysis treatment are permanent.

What are the side effects of Lipolysis?

Lipolysis applications do not have any significant side effects. There may be temporary swelling and tenderness after lipolysis. These complaints regress 48 hours after lipolysis.

Who is not treated with Lipolysis?

Lipolysis is not applied to pregnant women, nursing mothers, those with coagulation problems, those with liver failure, diabetes patients, those with heart disease, cancer patients and those who are allergic to its ingredients.

Are there scientific data on lipolysis?

Yeah. Clinical studies on lipolysis are carried out in Europe and the USA. In a study conducted in 2004, it was reported that successful results were obtained in 72.41% of patients even with only two sessions of lipolysis treatment. More than 80% of women are fighting the problem of cellulite.

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